Our Board of Directors provides governance, oversight, and support for Stony Brook Hillel. Board members help increase the visibility and importance of the organization and ensure its financial security and ability for growth. Comprised of dedicated alumni, parents, and friends of Stony Brook Hillel, the Board of Directors is responsible for effective long term strategic planning so we can fulfill our mission.

Executive Committee

Andrew Polan


Leonard Zuckerman

Vice President, Secretary

Eric Zwerling


Gloria Snyder MA ‘72*

Immediate Past President

Board Members

Rachel Chabin ‘19

Dr. Paul Jay Edelson*

Ethan Ertel**

Suzan Goldhaber

Naomi Gluck**

Dr. Barry Helprin

Jessica Hofflich ‘18**

Dr. Gallya Lahav

Dr. Isaac Namdar

Robert Presser MBA ’19

Dr. Ira L. Rezak*

Alexa Rudley **

Prof. Howard Schneider

Dr. Alan Steinberg

Howard Zern

     *Past President       ** Student

Honorary Directors

Dr. Robert Goldenberg*

Dr. Robert Hoberman

Dr. Henry Laufer

Dr. Meyer Mehlman*   

Julian Silverman

Dr. Lawrence B. Slobodkin

Dr. Robert Sokal

Leonard Sonnenberg*

Dr. Jane Yahil

Dr. Lee Koppelman: Honorary Chairman